Yup, I’ve been MIA and I’ve been getting A LOT of grief for it.  Truthfully, I don’t have a whole lot to report, I know people loved the dating stories, but I have taken a hiatus from that (specifically online dating) and therefore I don’t have any very exciting stories!!!! I am tempted (and was requested) to stay on these sites just for the entertainment – I won’t disagree, it is pretty entertaining 🤣

But I’m happy (actually not very happy) to report that I have lived up to my promise of Dry January…..Friday cannot come soon enough and I am so excited to spend the evening with my best girlfriends!!!

Quick run-down on Dry January:

Did I lose weight – NO

Did my face clear up – NO

Did I save money – ABSOLUTELY NOT

So…..all this leads me to believe that I am not losing (or gaining) anything by drinking a couple of beers or a glass of wine every now and then…..ok, more like “every night” but who’s counting! But….how could I have not saved money?  Well…..one Friday night, instead of going out with my friends, I sat at home and looked for a car – THAT I DID NOT NEED, but of course I was looking – my car was 9 years old with 130K miles on it…..so I found my “dream car” – the one I kept saying would be my next car, but I didn’t have a need for it, so kept putting it off.  UNTIL I found one that was listed at a price to sell.

I won’t bore you with the details, but I purchased a new car!!! And now, I’m in debt a few $Ks and terrified to drive the car that is WAY bigger than I’m used to.  I’d said I’d drive my old car until it died…..well Dry January proved me wrong!


In addition to buying a new car, I decided I’d sell my house – WHY?  Well, why not?  I know I want to move, but I’m not sure where that will be yet.  Seriously, your guess is as good as mine and I keep saying “everything will work out the way it’s supposed to” – that is A LOT of uncertainty for a girl who is VERY MUCH A PLANNER!

Less than a week later and I don’t want to jinx this, but we have an offer on my place and sh$t’s about to GET REAL!!! Gotta figure the next steps….where am I going go?  What am I going to do?  How am I going to move ALL OF THIS STUFF 😳 DEFINITELY hiring someone, but still it’s going to be SUCH A PROCESS and SO EXHAUSTING!  All self-inflicted, so I won’t complain.  But send positive thoughts my way to keep my sanity!!


All this to say, that’s why I’ve been in hiding. I’ve been doing some fun things too and I will happily post those soon.  I’m hoping I’ll be back more in February – after all, one of my favorite things to do is sit down with a glass of wine and write posts!  And Dry January will be over……just need to think of new/interesting/entertaining topics!


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